I recently attended an online lecture from John Gray, one of the UK's most influential living philosophers.
Speaking from Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, he drew our attention to the enormous social upheavals which have always been a feature of society, in contrast to the relative calm of the 20th century for those living in countries like the UK.
He didn't shy away from some difficult ideas about what the future may bring, and it was a hard listen. But there were also moments of inspiration around how to live in times of change.
Here's what I took away (and this is my lay person's summary)
💡 History shows us there is upheaval ahead. When times are unsafe, don't look for safety, look for opportunities.
💡Don't get too attached to your plans. In an unpredictable world, plans are always subject to change and may change surprisingly fast.
💡Far better to attach yourself to people, to animals, to loved ones.
💡Don't try to go against your nature. Understand your nature and live accordingly.
💡Don't be too worried about finding the meaning of life; keep your eyes and ears open and the meaning of life will present itself to you.
Instead they are an invitation to think about how to navigate this world which is in turmoil and promises so much more change ahead (AI, climate change, political upheaval...). I'll be musing on these thoughts for a while. I hope they inspire you too.
And I heartily recommend keeping an eye out for upcoming online or in-person lectures at the BRLSI. A brilliant institution hosting highly relevant philosophical discussions.